Antonija Sola

Antonija Sola is a Croatian musician singer-songwriter lyricist actress and music producer. Her name was Tina Bauer Fijan, the protagonist in Zabranjena ljubav which was the first Croatian soap television series. Along with her role as Tina Bauer Fijan wrote and written music and lyrics to the series theme. Antonija Sola was born on June 5th, 1979 (age 44) in Zagreb Croatia. Antonija Sola has a Life number of 1 as per to numerology. Sola is a renowned world musician. She sings and regularly performs at Croatian contests. Volim Osmijeh Ti Cujem Glas (Volim) and Volim Te are among her more popular songs. Antonija Sola born in 1979, 6-5-1979. Life path number 1 is hers. The 2023 year she will live in is nine. The winner was Miss Croatia competition in late 90s. Antonija Sola, according to numerology, has a Life number of 1 in her Path Number which means she is driven and focused. She is driven to be prosperous in life and has a strong determination. She invests all of her energy and passion into accomplishing her goals. Antonija Sola has a personal year number of 9. This year, Antonija Sola has her personal number 9. The year 2019 will see several things alter. Antonija Sola could have many possibilities, including shifting jobs or moving house. There is also the possibility of breaking up with old friends and make new ones. Antonija Sola's net worth of wealth can be estimated at between $1 Million and $5 Million. A large portion of her fortune has come from World Music Singer, which is what she did during the majority of her time.

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